The Best Blackstone Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe

Hey there, pancake enthusiasts! As the saying goes, “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast,” and what could be more leisurely or happiness-inducing than a batch of freshly-made buttermilk pancakes?

I’ve got a spectacular recipe that’s gonna elevate your breakfast game to new heights.

And here’s the best part – we’re going to be using a Blackstone griddle. Yes, you heard it right. Strap in, because we’re about to embark on a mouthwatering journey.

Table of Contents

Is a Blackstone Griddle a Good Choice for Making Pancakes

Okay, let’s dive into the world of griddles. Now, I’m sure some of you are wondering, “Is a Blackstone griddle really the best choice for pancakes?” In my opinion, it’s a big fat yes!

What makes the Blackstone griddle stand out from the pack is its expansive flat surface. This means you can easily make multiple pancakes at once without them morphing into one giant (albeit delicious) mess.

Plus, the even heat distribution ensures all your pancakes cook at the same rate, easily achieving that perfect golden-brown color we all crave. You’ll feel like a master chef flipping pancakes on this baby.

So, if you’re keen to channel your inner short-order cook and impress your family and friends, the Blackstone griddle is your new best friend.

I am raving about the Blackstone but you can use any Blackstone alternative you want. Want to do this recipe on a Pit Pitboss griddle? No problem.

The Magic Ingredient: Buttermilk

Just as the griddle is the tool of the trade, buttermilk is the secret weapon in our ingredient arsenal.

So, why buttermilk, you might wonder?

Firstly, let’s get our science hats on for a moment. Buttermilk has a mild acidity to it. This reacts with the leavening agents in our recipe, creating tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide.

The result? Fluffier, lighter pancakes that practically melt in your mouth. Science never tasted so good!

Secondly, buttermilk brings a tangy flavor to the party. This slight tartness adds a whole new level of depth, counterbalancing the sweetness of the syrup or any other toppings you fancy.

And let’s not forget about tenderness. Buttermilk’s acidity helps break down the gluten in the flour, again making for softer, more tender pancakes.

A glass of buttermilk
A glass of buttermilk

So, buttermilk is not just good for pancakes, it’s downright transformative. With buttermilk, we’re not just making breakfast, we’re crafting a culinary experience.

Best Temp for Pancakes on a Griddle

Now that we’re all prepped and ready to go, there’s one more piece of the pancake puzzle we need to address: temperature.

So, what’s the sweet spot? In my experience, the best griddle temperature for pancakes is around 375 degrees Fahrenheit (or 190 degrees Celsius). This is the magic number where you get that beautiful golden-brown exterior without sacrificing a fully-cooked, fluffy interior.

“But wait,” I hear you say, “how do I know when my griddle hits that perfect 375?” Great question!

The most accurate way to measure your griddle’s temperature is to use an infrared thermometer. These handy devices give you a temperature reading without needing to touch the surface, keeping your fingers safe and your temperature readings accurate.

If you don’t have an infrared thermometer, don’t worry. There’s a simpler (and cheaper) method: the water droplet test. Heat your griddle over medium heat, then flick a few droplets of water onto it. If they sizzle and dance around before evaporating, you’re in business. If they evaporate instantly, the griddle is too hot; if they just sit there and slowly steam, it’s not hot enough.

Remember, too, that every griddle and stovetop is different, so you might need to adjust as you go. Pay attention to how your pancakes cook and adjust the heat as needed. Too brown, too fast? Turn it down. Not browning after a few minutes? Crank it up a notch.

Alright, enough talk. Let’s heat things up and get these pancakes on the griddle!

Blackstone Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe

Now that I’ve hyped up our key players, let’s get down to the main event. Here’s the recipe that’s going to make your mornings extraordinary.

Overview of the Ingredients

  • Flour: The foundation of any pancake, flour gives them body and structure. All-purpose flour works best as it has the perfect protein content to achieve fluffy yet sturdy pancakes.
  • Sugar: Sugar does double duty here. It adds a touch of sweetness, of course, but also helps our pancakes achieve that coveted golden-brown color.
  • Baking powder & baking soda: Our leavening agents. They react with the buttermilk to produce carbon dioxide bubbles, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.
  • Salt: Salt, the unsung hero of baking, sharpens and enhances the flavors, offering a counterpoint to the sweetness.
  • Buttermilk: Our star ingredient, buttermilk brings acidity, tanginess, and tenderizing properties to the mix. It’s the key to pancakes that are light, fluffy, and packed with flavor.
  • Eggs: Eggs contribute to the structure and add richness to our pancakes. Plus, the yolks bring a lovely color.
  • Butter: Butter lends moisture, flavor, and aids in achieving a delicate, crispy edge. We’re using unsalted so we can control the salt level in our pancakes.
Blackstone Pancakes Recipe

Blackstone Buttermilk Pancakes

Fluffy pancakes that will please your taste buds
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • Blackstone griddle (or any griddle really)


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup melted unsalted butter
  • Extra butter or oil for greasing the griddle
  • Your favorite toppings (maple syrup, fresh fruits, whipped cream, etc.)


  • Start by combining all your dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt) in a large bowl. Give them a good whisk to blend.
  • In another bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, eggs, and melted butter until well combined.
  • Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and gently stir until just combined. Don’t overmix; a few lumps are perfectly fine.
  • Heat up your Blackstone griddle over medium heat. Once it’s hot, lightly grease it with some butter or oil.
  • Scoop 1/4 cup of the batter for each pancake onto the griddle, leaving enough space between each one.
  • When the pancakes start to bubble on top and the edges look set (about 2-3 minutes), flip them over. Cook for another 1-2 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.
  • Serve your pancakes hot, decked out with your favorite toppings. Enjoy the fluffy goodness!

Troubleshooting Tips

I’ve seen it all on my grilling adventures, and pancakes are no exception. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom to keep in mind while you’re working the griddle:

  • Lumpy Batter: Got lumps? No problem. Believe it or not, a lumpy batter is a good batter. Overmixing can lead to tough pancakes, so resist the urge to chase a smooth batter.
  • Flip Flop: Flipping can be a bit of an art form. Wait until you see bubbles popping in the center of the pancake and the edges look set. Too early and your pancake won’t form, too late and you might overcook it. Practice makes perfect!
  • Heat Management: Keep the heat at medium to medium-low. High heat might give you faster pancakes, but they’ll likely end up burnt on the outside.
  • Spacing: Space out your pancakes. Overcrowding the griddle will make flipping a nightmare and you might end up with a giant pancake blob if you are not careful.


There you have it, my fellow pancake enthusiasts, your one-stop guide to conquering the art of buttermilk pancakes on a Blackstone griddle.

From why a griddle is your ultimate breakfast companion to why buttermilk is the secret to fluffy tender pancakes, we’ve covered it all.

You’re all set to deliver a showstopper breakfast that will have everyone clamoring for more.

Happy pancake flipping!


Can I use a substitute for buttermilk?

Absolutely! If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, you can add a tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar to milk. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and voila, you’ve got homemade buttermilk (sort of)!

What if I don't have a Blackstone griddle?

No worries! While a griddle makes things easier thanks to its large flat surface, a non-stick pan or a cast iron skillet can do the job just fine.

How do I know when my griddle is hot enough?

The best way to test this is by using a thermometer. Any other methods are just a guess game.

My pancakes aren't fluffy. What am I doing wrong?

The culprit might be overmixing. Remember, a few lumps in your batter are perfectly fine. Overmixing can overdevelop the gluten, leading to less-than-fluffy pancakes.

Are crepes the same as pancakes?

Crepes are not the same but the ingredients are very similar. The main difference is that there are no leavening agents in crepes as they need to be thin and not fluffy.

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John Carder

John Carder is the founder of He loves to cook outdoors, especially over a campfire. John has a lovely wife and two cats who he loves dearly. In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and paint; he's not particularly good at either, but he enjoys the process nonetheless. He also has silly long hair which often gets in his way while cooking!