Can You Use a Griddle in the Winter?

Many people enjoy griddling in the summer when they can take advantage of the warm weather and fresh ingredients. But what about gridding in winter? Can you use a griddle in cold weather? And if so, how can you make sure your griddle meals are as delicious as those you cook in the summer? Read on to find out.

So, can you use your griddle in the winter?

The answer, surprisingly, is yes! While outdoor griddles are typically used for cooking during the summer months when it’s nice and warm outside, they can also be used in the winter.

In fact, griddling and grilling in cold weather can be a lot of fun. It’s a great way to break the monotony of gloomy winter days and have a tasty hot meal.

If you’re planning on griddling in the winter, there are a few things you should keep in mind and I have a couple of tips and tricks to share. So if you are interested, read on.

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Should You Expect Any Problems When Using Your Griddle in Winter?

Griddling and grilling in cold temperatures is slightly more challenging than during the summer months. However, that’s not to say it’s super difficult. There are a couple of things you should be aware of.

Griddles often don’t come with hoods, unlike your standard gas grill. In extreme cold, this means the freezing air will be cooling down both your cooked food and the griddle top. In turn, the griddle will take longer to heat up and the food will take longer to cook.

Is there a solution? There sure is. If there is a hood available for your griddle, then you can buy it and it will help tremendously. For example, Blackstone has hoods available for many of its griddles.

Griddling in cold weather will also use up more propane since the burner is likely to be on a higher setting to overcome the cooling effect of the freezing air. So make sure you have enough fuel before you start. A spare tank of propane may come in handy.

How to Use a Griddle Outside in Winter?

Griddling in winter is not too different from griddling in summer. However, since it’s cold outside, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, as I’ve mentioned, griddles typically take longer to heat up in winter. So be patient and give it the time it needs to reach the perfect cooking temperature.

I’ve compiled a list of tips for you that will help with griddling in winter:

  • Dress warmly: This one is pretty obvious. You’re going to be standing outside in the cold, so make sure to dress appropriately. Wear warm clothes and add a hat, scarf, and gloves. A pair of fingerless gloves with a mitten flap is an excellent choice for cold weather. And if it’s really cold out there, consider wearing thermal underwear as well.
  • Get rid of the snow: If you left the griddle outside before the cold season started, it’s probably covered in snow. Try to remove all the snow before you start griddling. Also, make sure to clear off any snow from the surroundings, because the heat from the griddle will turn it into a messy slush that you definitely don’t want on your boots and inside your house.
  • Preheat the griddle: Just like you would during summer griddling, preheat the griddle before you start cooking. This will help ensure evenly cooked food. Preheat the griddle slowly though. Don’t make the mistake of turning the burners on high immediately because rapid temperature changes may cause griddle warping.
  • Use a griddle hood: If you have a hood for your griddle, use it to protect the food from the cooling effect of the freezing air.
  • Use wind guards: If don’t have a griddle hood and it’s cold and also windy outside, consider at least using wind guards. They will help protect the burners from the gusts of wind and help maintain a constant temperature of the flat top.
  • Choose the right food: Choosing the right food will make it much easier to griddle when it’s freezing cold outside. You should opt for meat and vegetables that don’t need to be cooked for too long.
  • Cook smaller pieces: In addition to the point above, it’s best to cook smaller portions since too large pieces of food will take longer to cook. Bite-size pieces are ideal.
  • Eat the cooked food right away or bring it indoors: Depending on how cold it is, you may want to eat the food right away or at least bring it indoors. Once you remove the food from the griddle it will start cooling down very quickly.
  • Clean and reseason the griddle after use: As always, make sure to clean and reseason the griddle after use. This will help prevent rusting.
  • Store the griddle: If you’re not going to use the griddle for the day, make sure to store it properly. Let it cool down and bring it indoors. Storing it in a garage is a perfect choice.

Any Tips on What to Griddle in the Winter?

Winter griddling - hamburger
Hamburgers are a great choice for winter griddling because they don’t require a long cooking time

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs food that cooks fast is the best choice for your winter griddling adventures. In cold weather, I personally love to put small pieces of marinated chicken thighs on my griddle.

Here are some of my favorite dishes and ingredients to prepare on my Blackstone griddle in winter:

Pro tip: If you’re feeling chilly, try preparing spicier meals since they’ll help you feel warmer.

Can I Leave My Griddle Outside in Winter?

Leaving your griddle outside without protection is not a good idea, no matter the season. Your griddle is a piece of cooking equipment made of metal and exposing it to the elements will shorten its lifespan and can cause rust to start forming on the griddle top.

During summer, you can leave your griddle outside when it’s not raining. But in winter, it’s best to store it away in a dry and temperature-controlled environment like your garage or basement.

If you absolutely must store your griddle outside in winter, then make sure to protect it from the snow by covering it with a waterproof cover when you’re not using it.

Can You Use a Blackstone Griddle in Winter?

Have you received a shiny new Blackstone griddle for Christmas and are now itching to try it out? If you’re wondering if you can use a Blackstone griddle in the winter, the answer is yes! Just like other griddles, Blackstone griddles can be used in winter just fine.

The guys over at Blackstone even prepared a guide on using their griddles in winter which you can read here.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, griddling in winter is possible and can be quite enjoyable, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. Dress warmly, clear off the snow, preheat the griddle slowly, and use a griddle hood if you have one. Choose the right food, cook smaller portions, and eat the food right away.

And finally, don’t forget to clean and reseason your griddle after cooking. Storage is also important in winter. If you can, bring your griddle indoors or at least cover it with a waterproof griddle cover when you’re not using it.

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John Carder

John Carder is the founder of He loves to cook outdoors, especially over a campfire. John has a lovely wife and two cats who he loves dearly. In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and paint; he's not particularly good at either, but he enjoys the process nonetheless. He also has silly long hair which often gets in his way while cooking!