How To Make Fluffy Scrambled Eggs On A Blackstone Griddle

Ah, scrambled eggs. Few things are as satisfying as starting your day with a plate of these golden, fluffy curiosities. Universally loved, scrambled eggs are the ultimate comfort food, bridging the gap between a lazy Sunday brunch and a quick, protein-packed weekday breakfast.

And you know what? We are going to make them on a Blackstone griddle. Why, you ask? Well, Blackstone griddles are a champion of outdoor cooking and, with their large flat surface, they offer ample space for your eggs to spread out and cook evenly. I mean a frying pan is fine and dandy but if you are making a breakfast that consists of multiple dishes, it gets old quickly.

Whether you’re an egg-scrambling veteran or an enthusiastic beginner looking to elevate your breakfast game, mastering scrambled eggs on a Blackstone griddle can transform your culinary routine. So, tie on that apron, grab your spatula, and get ready to dive into the delightful world of fluffy, griddle-cooked scrambled eggs.

Table of Contents

Best Griddle Temperature for Scrambled Eggs

For optimal results when cooking scrambled eggs on your Blackstone griddle, aim for a temperature of around 275°F.

This isn’t just a random number I’ve pulled out of my chef’s hat. This specific temperature ensures your eggs cook gently and evenly, giving you that soft, fluffy texture we all love in our scrambled eggs.

What happens if the temperature is too high, you wonder? Brace yourself for a breakfast tragedy – overcooked, rubbery eggs. When the heat is cranked up too high, your eggs will cook too quickly. This can result in a tough, rubbery texture. Why is it happening? Because eggs contain a lot of water and if you overcook them, all the water evaporates and you are left with a pile of interlocked proteins. Plus, high temps might impart a slightly brown color to your eggs.

On the flip side, if the temperature is too low, your eggs will take too long to cook. This in turn requires you to keep sliding them around so that they cook evenly. Not a big deal you might think but as we will discuss in the next section, the eggs will lose some of the fluff when done this way.

The Secret to Perfectly Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

Now that we’ve mastered the griddle temperature let’s talk about a critical aspect of the recipe – fluffiness. Because, let’s face it, who doesn’t love their scrambled eggs soft and fluffy? Here are a few tips to achieve the ultimate egg fluffiness.

Vigorous Whisking

The first step towards fluffy scrambled eggs is whisking – and lots of it!

When you whisk your eggs, you’re not just combining the yolks and whites; you’re incorporating air into the mix.

The air bubbles must stay trapped in the mixture as it cooks, providing your eggs with their signature fluff. So, don’t hold back on that whisk. Give it all you’ve got and whip up an airy, light mix.

Adding Heavy Cream

Adding about half a spoon of heavy cream to your eggs might seem like a small step, but it does help.

This little addition can make a world of difference to your scrambled eggs’ texture, making them rich and creamy.

Gentle Handling

Once your egg mixture hits the griddle, resist the temptation to stir them constantly. Over-stirring your eggs can break up the curds that create the fluffy texture, leading to smaller, tighter curds instead.

Give your eggs some time to set, then gently pull them around the griddle with your spatula so that the uncooked eggs flow into the “trough” left behind by the spatula.

Minimal and gentle handling while cooking is the way to go.

Recipe Time: Fluffy Scrambled Eggs on a Blackstone Griddle

Are you ready to take a crack at this? Here’s our foolproof recipe for fluffy scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs on Blackstone griddle

Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Made on a Blackstone Griddle

Treat yourself to irresistibly fluffy scrambled eggs, masterfully prepared on a sizzling Blackstone griddle
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 1


  • 2 Large eggs
  • 2 tbsp Shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tsp Heavy cream
  • A knob of butter
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  • Before we begin tackling the eggs, make sure to preheat the griddle to medium-low heat. aim for 275 °F if you’ve got an infrared thermometer.
  • Let’s continue with the stars of the show, the eggs. We’re using two large ones for this recipe. In a bowl, crack open your eggs and give them a good whisk until the yolks and whites are well combined. You’re looking for a smooth, yellow mixture.
  • Time for the secret ingredient – a generous dollop of heavy cream. This is your ticket to fluffy town. The cream introduces extra fat into the mix, which creates steam when cooked, leading to dreamy, light, and fluffy eggs.
  • Now, sprinkle in the shredded cheddar cheese. The cheese not only adds a sharp, savory flavor to your scrambled eggs but also contributes to their creaminess. Don’t worry about the exact quantities.
  • Now comes the exciting part. Add a knob of butter onto the griddle and let it melt, covering the griddle’s surface. The butter will prevent your eggs from sticking and lend a rich flavor to the dish.
  • Pour your egg mixture onto the buttered griddle. Let it sit for a moment until it begins to set around the edges, then start pulling the set eggs around with your spatula. Make sure all of the egg mixture gets its chance to come into contact with the hot griddle so that you are not left with some parts uncooked.
  • When done to your preferred doneness, immediately remove the eggs from the griddle. The eggs will cook for about one more minute once you remove them from the heat so consider removing them slightly earlier.


  • I have deliberately omitted salt and pepper in the instructions. Some people prefer to add both right before cooking others do that when the eggs are done. Do as you please.
  • Keep in mind the cheese already adds salty flavor to the dish so don’t add too much (if any) salt.

Variations to the Basic Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs with bacon

Once you’ve mastered the classic scrambled eggs, why not get adventurous? Scrambled eggs are like a blank canvas, waiting for your culinary creativity.

Here are a few suggestions to jazz up your dish.

Onions: Want to add some bite to your eggs? Try diced onions. Sauté them on the griddle until they’re translucent and soft before you pour your egg mixture. This will add a wonderful sweetness and crunch to your fluffy scrambled eggs. Alternatively, you caramelize the onions as I did for my grilled camembert and add them on top of the eggs.

Bacon: Yes, you can of course serve eggs with fried slices of bacon but why not experiment a bit by dicing the bacon and adding directly into the egg mixture?

Sausages: If you’re a meat lover, diced sausages could be your next best friend. Cook them on the griddle until they’re browned and crispy, then pour your eggs over them. Voila, you’ve got a hearty, meaty breakfast that’ll keep you satisfied for hours.

Veggies: Add a dose of nutrition to your scramble with some finely chopped veggies. Spinach, bell peppers, or tomatoes can add color, texture, and of course, additional nutrients. Cook them slightly before adding your eggs to ensure they’re not too raw.

Herbs, spices, and sauces: Fresh herbs like chives, basil, or parsley can elevate the flavor of your scrambled eggs to a whole new level. If you prefer some heat, a dash of hot sauce or a sprinkle of crushed red pepper flakes can work wonders.

These are just ideas to get your creative culinary juices flowing. Feel free to experiment with flavors and ingredients that tickle your palate.


How do I know when my scrambled eggs are done?

Scrambled eggs are done when they’re set but still slightly runny. They’ll continue to cook for a minute or so off the heat (thanks to residual heat), so it’s best to remove them from the griddle just before they’re fully cooked to your liking.

What can I substitute for heavy cream?

If you don’t have heavy cream on hand, don’t worry. You can use a range of other ingredients to achieve similar results. Milk can be a substitute as well, or for a dairy-free option, you might consider almond milk or coconut milk. Just bear in mind that the final flavor and texture might vary slightly.

Can I make scrambled eggs without cheese?

Absolutely! Cheese adds a layer of flavor and creaminess, but it’s not essential. If you’re not a fan of cheese or if you’re looking to cut down on calories, feel free to skip it.

Can I reheat my scrambled eggs?

Yes, you can. But be warned, reheated scrambled eggs can sometimes turn rubbery. To minimize this, reheat them over low heat and avoid microwaving if possible.

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John Carder

John Carder is the founder of He loves to cook outdoors, especially over a campfire. John has a lovely wife and two cats who he loves dearly. In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and paint; he's not particularly good at either, but he enjoys the process nonetheless. He also has silly long hair which often gets in his way while cooking!