Can You Season a Blackstone Griddle in the Oven?

Seasoning your outdoor griddle is one of the most important steps to do before you start cooking on it. One of the more unusual questions I’ve seen asked is whether you can season your Blackstone in the oven.

Yes, you can season a Blackstone griddle in the oven just like you would season a cast iron skillet. However, it’s only possible to do so with the small model because the larger Blackstones will not fit in the oven.

Do you still want to do it? Then read on.

Table of Contents

Which Blackstone Griddle Models Will Fit in The Oven?

Ovens come in a variety of sizes. Although the external dimensions are somewhat standardized, the internal dimensions vary. Therefore it is not possible to know for sure whether a griddle will fit inside without knowing the specific brand and model.

You most likely won’t be able to fit the 36 and 28-inch Blackstones into a standard oven.

The 17-inch griddles are the most likely models to fit inside the oven.

22-inch models will be hit-or-miss. These probably won’t fit in a horizontal position and you would need to experiment with the angle you put it in.

Of course, you cannot season the electric Blackstone griddles.

How to Season a Blackstone Griddle in the Oven

Seasoning a griddle in the oven is very similar to seasoning cast iron skillets and other cookware. The process requires you to cover the whole surface of the griddle in a thin layer of suitable oil and then heat it up to the correct temperature.

Here’s the step-by-step guide:

The most important step is – Measure the top and the oven to make sure it will fit. There’s nothing worse than getting everything ready only to find out the griddle doesn’t fit in the oven.

Step 1: Remove the griddle top from the base

Before you can season your griddle top in the oven, you’ll need to remove it from the base of your griddle. This is typically a simple process because the top usually employs a simple locking mechanism that doesn’t require any special tools to disengage. If you are not sure how it’s held in place, your best bet is the owner’s manual.

Step 2: Clean the griddle top

Once you’ve removed the griddle top, you’ll need to give it a thorough cleaning. If it’s a brand-new griddle and you are applying the seasoning for the first time, washing it with soapy hot water is all that is needed.

If it’s it’s an older griddle, deeper cleaning may be needed. You may need to strip the previous layers of seasoning if it’s already flaking off and you may also need to remove rust from the griddle. Failing to do so could leave you with seasoning that would not last very long.

Step 3: Preheat the oven

The oven hast be very hot when you put the griddle in. Set the temperature to about 400°F (204 °C). The recommended temperature varies a lot if you google around. You could try going lower or higher but I find 400 °F works just fine.

Step 4: Apply the oil

Using a clean lint-free cloth or paper towel, spread a thin layer of oil over the entire surface of the griddle top. Be sure to apply the oil evenly and avoid leaving any areas dry. Once finished, the surface should be shiny but there should not be any obvious oil pools. Applying too much oil is the most common mistake. It is a bit easier to do this step when the griddle top is warm.

Step 5: Put it in the oven

Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, place the griddle top inside. Be careful not to scratch your oven.

Step 6: Let it “bake”

Let the griddle top sit in the oven for about 45 minutes. The surface will start to turn darker. It may not get completely dark with only one layer.

Step 7: Let it cool down

After the griddle top has been in the oven for the recommended time, turn off the oven and let it cool down completely. Do not remove the griddle top until it has cooled to room temperature.

Step 8: Repeat

Repeat the seasoning process one or two times to build up a strong non-stick coating. Each time you repeat the process, apply only the thinnest possible layer of oil. If you apply too much, there may be sticky spots that are very annoying during cooking.

Step 9: Profit

Once you’re finished, your Blackstone griddle is ready to use! Enjoy the benefits of a superior non-stick surface and experiment with all kinds of dishes. The seasoning layer will keep building up with each use and will eventually create a beautiful black patina.

There’s no reason to put the top in the oven after the initial seasoning.

Is It Worth It To Season a Griddle in the Oven?

I would say it’s not worth the hassle. You could scratch the insides of the oven with the sharp edges of the griddle if you are not careful. Also, it takes more time to season the griddle top in the oven than it does doing it the classic way.

One potential advantage I can see is that oven seasoning gives a more uniform result. When you first season your griddle the standard way, the griddle top won’t be uniformly black. The “blackest” parts will be in the center of the flat top. That’s due to the hotspots caused by the burners.

In the oven, however, the whole griddle top is heated at the same temperature, which means your seasoning should be more even.

Is that a big deal? Not really, the seasoning will build up over time and you will still end up with a completely black griddle.

Final Thoughts

Seasoning cookware in the oven is nothing new. Seasoning a griddle in the oven is not the usual method though. On the other hand, with the small Blackstone models, it can work pretty well. As with any seasoning method, the key is choosing the right oil and keeping the amount applied to a minimum.

If you would rather try the conventional method, you can read about it right here:


Will the oil start smoking in the oven?

It may smoke a bit. If you have applied the oil very thinly and evenly, there shouldn’t be too much smoke. With too much oil, it could start smoking quite a lot. Should that happen, your best bet is to lower the temperature below the smoke point of the oil you are using.

Can you use Crisco for seasoning in the oven?

Yes, Crisco is a popular choice for seasoning both cast iron cookware and Blackstone griddle. The only problem is that it is difficult to apply thinly when the griddle is cold.

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John Carder

John Carder is the founder of He loves to cook outdoors, especially over a campfire. John has a lovely wife and two cats who he loves dearly. In his spare time, he likes to play soccer and paint; he's not particularly good at either, but he enjoys the process nonetheless. He also has silly long hair which often gets in his way while cooking!